Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Love Dare

Kyle and I have decided to complete the LoveDare Challenge. Today is day one, and I'm excited to start this process, and help strenghen our relationship. At times we get so caught up in the day to day tasks that we don't spend quality time together. Have you heard of this book, or know anyone that has completed it? It so, we would love to hear your feedback.

The Love Dare personally leads you through daily devotionals, records your thoughts and experiences, and ends each day daring you to perform a simple act of love for your spouse. This 40-Day journey equips you to melt hardened, separated hearts into an enduring love that can withstand the flames of fear, pride and temptation. The Love Dare book will help you reinforce and enrich your marriage.


  1. Sounds like something anyone could benefit from! Maybe I will look into it as well! Thanks for sharing!

  2. my friend kim was just asking me about this... how was day 1?

  3. It went well... we each had to bite our tongue a couple times-lol.
    And today we are supposed to do something kind for each other. I had a little sweet note in my car when I went to work today-- ahhhh.
    We are both excited to try this- and its already making us appreciate each other more :)
